Make Your Bride’s Heart Flutter with Intimate Vows

You’re soon to be married

You’re soon to be married, and you just can’t wait to see your fiancée walk down the aisle, towards the first step to your new life together; it is quite understandable that you would like to make your declaration of devotion to each other as meaningful and personal as possible, so that your vows make you both feel like you are inside an intimate, secluded bubble, and on that fateful moment, time stops and emotions flutter at the mere utterance of every word. Writing the perfect wedding vow is easy in theory, but once you attempt to put it on paper, hours can pass by and you’ll still end up with a blank sheet. If you intend to make your vow as special for the bride as it is to you, the following tips may be of help.

Make sure that you talk with your officiant, if a personalized vow is acceptable for the ceremony. There are religions where you’ll have to stick to a format in the vow declaration. If you get the go signal for a personalized vow, talk to your fiancée, and decide if this is what you both want. Then decide if you’d want to go for separate or communal vows.

You’ll need to sit down and free write, or you may speak into a recorder

You’ll need to sit down and free write, or you may speak into a recorder. You need to answer basic questions about your current experiences as a couple; what makes your fiancée very special to you, when did the thought dawn on you that she was the one you want to spend your entire life with, what changes will occur after your marriage and what will remain the same; determine the one experience with your partner which is unforgettable for both of you, and how your vision of an ideal wedding matches up to the one you’re anticipating.

There are a lot of wedding vow templates

Get some help. There are a lot of wedding vow templates and examples online; browse extensively, and make a rough lineup of the ones which are appealing for both of you. If you want to make the vows as personal as you can, then get some ideas from the ones you end up going with, and make an adaptation out of it.

Go back to the cutting room and create a tailor-made vow. Bring out your notes and see how it may fit the examples you ended up with. A perfect wedding vow is a combination of great poetry, love quotes, and a personal message. You may fuse your personal thoughts with Shakespeare if you like, as long it is sincere and definitive of the moment.

It is expected that you may end up in a dead end and you’ll have to redo your composition many times, so don’t be disheartened. You may be suffering a mental block; in this case, put off the writing for later; you can sleep on it, and approach the writing with a fresh start. Once you come up with a vow, consult with a close friend or relative if the vow is discreet and intimate enough to describe your relationship with your fiancée. Read the vow out loud so that you’ll have the feel of the phrasing and of the utterance of the words. Upon coming out with the final version of the wedding vow, practice reading it out loud so that you could learn it by heart and everything will flow smoothly on the big day. Also, make a copy of the vow in small card and keep it handy, in case you block out on your wedding day and inadvertently forget what to say.