Technology in Your Wedding: Digital Photography

There’s nothing more satisfying than sitting down with a loved one and browsing through old photos

There’s nothing more satisfying than sitting down with a loved one and browsing through old photos. Pictures of pleasant memories are wonderful to look at. In particular, your wedding photographs will be some of your most treasured photographs. It is therefore essential that aside from having a professional wedding photographer, you can ask your kin to take pictures throughout your wedding day, too.There’s nothing more satisfying than sitting down with a loved one and browsing through old photos

Traditional Photography

Traditional photographs are wonderful and they sure do last. However, you have limited options in traditional photography. One, you cannot have as many choices of prints as you may like to. It’s true that a superbly skilled photographer will make every shot count so what small number of prints you have, you are certain to like. However, it is not professional photographers taking the shots. It’s your brother or your uncle, maybe. Your assigned casual photographer may have trouble manipulating traditional cameras; adjusting the zoom and focus may be quite taxing to the inexperienced.Traditional Photography

Digital Photography

Fortunately, modern technology has just the thing to satisfy your demand for wedding day pictures. The digital camera is indeed an inspired piece of work. When it was first brought out in the market, this wonderful innovation was just too expensive to buy. Now though, digital cameras have become quite affordable. They are also loaded with special tweaks and features. Equipped with memory card capability and computer connectivity, a digital camera will let you print your pictures through a laser printer and have pictures for your happy ever after.Digital Photography

Choosing Your Digital Camera

Choose the best digital camera that agrees with your budget. The more features your camera has, the better it is. However, if the features make it more expensive, reconsider if you truly need these features. For instance, if the camera is more expensive when it has direct printer connectivity, ask yourself if you need this feature or if you can settle just fine with plain computer connectivity. If it is the latter, you may be able to shave off a few hundred dollars off the price.CHOOSING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA

Think of the camera’s image resolution as indicated by mega pixels

Think of the camera’s image resolution as indicated by mega pixels. The higher the resolution, the better the picture quality is. Cameras nowadays usually have from as little as 2 mega pixels to as much as 12 mega pixels in resolution. Choose a camera that has mid-range resolution. You don’t need the 12-megapixel camera by which to take casual pictures of your wedding. Leave the professional shots to your wedding photographer.

Of course, invest on a memory card. You’d want this for extra memory storage.